Wednesday, April 28, 2010
the jar & the legos...

Monday, April 26, 2010
Not Me! Monday

Friday, April 23, 2010
late night thoughts....
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
to spank or not to spank...
not that i wasn't ever spanked or sent to the corner but it really wasn't necessary (well, at least i don't think... better call mom... ok, she said it was necessary some of the time :) ) because simply giving me that look of total disappointment and telling me that you thought i was so much better than this, well it would just do me in! i'd drown myself in sorrow and create a plan to out do myself with goodness when the next opportunity presented itself.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Not Me! Monday
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
forever & ever & ever

Monday, April 12, 2010
party on!!
our oldest kiddo, Master 'P', is now 12 years old... how is that even possible?! i'm really old enough to have a 12 year son?! in baby 'K's words "no way!!"
how could he be 12 when i was just holding him in my arms and patting him to sleep... he used to need me to read him stories, to help him brush his teeth, hold his little hand to cross the street... and now? well not so much.

i know, i know, this is the natural course of growing into being a teenager and eventually into an adult
by God's beautiful grace, P is growing into an awesome young man!!

i want so much for him...
i mostly pray that he follows God with all that is in him, wherever it takes him, as long as he walks the path blazed by Jesus
while i am thoroughly exhausted after celebrating with his friends at Incredible Pizza (we were there for 3 hours and trust me 'K' was truly mad when i pryed him out of the game room), the next day spent playing on his new mountain bike, then all our family over for a barbeque (whew!! fun but tired...) and some yummy ice cream cake!! and a little Guitar Hero showdown :), it is completely worth it to celebrate that amazing day i became a very blessed mama 12 years ago...

happy birthday kiddo!! the best is yet to come... and i can't wait!!
Not Me! Monday
Saturday, April 10, 2010
He knew about me...
Friday, April 2, 2010
i love my girlie
i love that she comes up to me regularly and whispers "i just feel like hugging you all the time" and i would hold her for all time it i could
i love her creativity and flare for design.... everything in her world is pretty!
i see her desire growing to develop her skills: be it playing the piano better or being able to dribble the ball just a little longer than last time
i memorize the moments when her eyes light up because big brother asked her to hang out with him... her desire to be his best friend & confidant is tangible.... she looks up to him
i gush over the times i hear her singing to her baby brother as they lay down to sleep, their beds just 4 feet apart... my heart leaps when i see him search for her hand as we walk to the park, he knows she'll lead him safely to the swings

i want the world for her
i pray that she always knows she is my love, my heart, my best friend... her beauty is staggering and her soul is even more breath-taking
she is a child of God, a daughter of the Most High King... her spirit to love Jesus is amazing and i am devoted to planting her in furtile soil so she may grow may in Christ each day
what an honor to mother a daughter... to be hand she holds for support, the arms she clings to for comfort & love, the eyes that she looks to for reassurance....
i love her so deeply that my lil' girlie will never comprehend... until one day she has the privilege to usher in a girl of her own and then she will feel the rush, the love, the pride, the beauty...