i love that she comes up to me regularly and whispers "i just feel like hugging you all the time" and i would hold her for all time it i could
i love her creativity and flare for design.... everything in her world is pretty!
i see her desire growing to develop her skills: be it playing the piano better or being able to dribble the ball just a little longer than last time
i memorize the moments when her eyes light up because big brother asked her to hang out with him... her desire to be his best friend & confidant is tangible.... she looks up to him
i gush over the times i hear her singing to her baby brother as they lay down to sleep, their beds just 4 feet apart... my heart leaps when i see him search for her hand as we walk to the park, he knows she'll lead him safely to the swings

i want the world for her
i pray that she always knows she is my love, my heart, my best friend... her beauty is staggering and her soul is even more breath-taking
she is a child of God, a daughter of the Most High King... her spirit to love Jesus is amazing and i am devoted to planting her in furtile soil so she may grow may in Christ each day
what an honor to mother a daughter... to be hand she holds for support, the arms she clings to for comfort & love, the eyes that she looks to for reassurance....
i love her so deeply that my lil' girlie will never comprehend... until one day she has the privilege to usher in a girl of her own and then she will feel the rush, the love, the pride, the beauty...
That is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteShe is one kid in a million.
ReplyDelete~~the elusive Ms. S
This is my first visit to your site and I am so inspired! Your post really inspires me to take more moments to recognize my own daughters' strengths and to think about how I can pray for them. Thanks :)