Monday, September 20, 2010
my brave lil' man...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
first and ten! and 2 wins!!
we've had a lot going on this past week, much of it had to do with football, and i'm totally okay with that! i love football!! my Man is a very blessed husband in this regard :)
the best game i attended this week had to be tuesday night's game where my son was the focus of my attention...
if you can see the number 32, then that's my boy, but quite honestly when i went back to edit the pictures i couldn't tell which one was him... i know, i'm a loser, but at least i snapped some photos!

oh ya, baby!! my Man and i took a mini-vacation monday & tuesday and headed for kansas city to watch the chiefs opener for monday night football...

it was awesome!! did i say i love football?! i do! and i love going to an nfl game, it is an impressive experience, and arrowhead was electric!!

i had such a splendidly fantastic time spending the evening with my Man and also hanging out with our friends...

it was about 8:15p and the gates were flooded with crazy fans and the screams of chiefs fans all around!!

since it was opening night and monday night football and the stadium has been completely overhauled (and it was magnificent!!! i was awe-struck!) there was quite a show planned before kickoff with fireworks to boot!

i was texting pictures to envious 'P' and Girlie, who were watching it all on television

Sunday, September 12, 2010
hope in trouble

i felt my stomach harden and tense as the first tower fell... the sweet Girlie that was nestled in my belly nudged me and i wondered what tragedy would happen next
i just hoped for Jesus to save us all...

i cried many tears that day, that week, for our country, the victims, the families, our President...
i'll admit i wondered if this was it: we're at war, were we going to become a war-torn country like those i see on the news? are we not as safe as i assumed we were?
i hoped not...
i prayed that night, once the news was off and the house was quiet with sweet breathing from my son and my Man, and the gently swimming of the babe in my belly...
"Lord if my world, here in Fly Over Country USA, had literally collapsed like those of our fellow citizens not so far away, would i have been ready to see you? so far have i lived a passionate life that cries out to everyone that you are my Lord? or do i live basically selfishly, out for my own pleasure, serving you based on my own feelings of convenience.... i desire to shine for you... help these families, wrap up the broken wives or husbands in your Hands of peace.... help me Lord to remember this feeling of uneasiness, that time is limited, and i don't have forever here to further your Kingdom.."
even as i watch and hear the tributes to 9/11 today, i still remember that feeling...
i haven't forgotten, i pray those families are so blessed, i pray and hope that they'll see their loved ones in Heaven again
the cross gives us hope, in the midst of the rubble and fighting, He is our hope...
whether peace or war, He's our hope....
my hope
my everything
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear thogh the earth gives way. Psalm 46.1-2a
Friday, September 10, 2010
how cheap can you be :)
about two years ago my Man wanted to take over the money-managing for our family, and you know, i wasn't so happy about it. even though i knew i wasn't doing the very best job saving or budgeting, i felt like if he came in and took over i'd lose some sort of "power".... stupid, huh? we never argued over money and everything got paid (for the most part) and we had more than enough money to blow on whatever we wanted, but because we weren't on the same page as far as saving or investing or spending and without any real goals, it just wasn't working.
so i submitted to his leadership, prayed for God to give me heart to follow and that He'd give my Man much wisdom and discernment to manage the money that God blessed us with.....
and that made all the difference!
in order for me to stay home full-time there was going to have to be sacrifce (i've written about sacrifice/charity here), to be able to be used by the Lord in new capacities and give like never before, it would mean paying off doctors bills quicker, paying off those credit cards and not using them again and downsizing every area of our life.... and being open to my Man's leading and the Lord's each step of the way.
and since we've done (with God's good grace) those things, and we absolutely have taken to the teachings of dave ramsey & the total money makeover, i'd like to say that budgeting and saving money and just sometimes going without has become second-nature by now, but it's not, not even close.... is living below your means easy for your family? or do you even budget?
i spent a lot of time at the beginning of the year cataloging groceries prices from about 5 local grocers,
just so i'd have a more exact idea about what was really a sale when the weekly ads came out; plus i have become addicted to couponing!! seriously, it is a personal mission to save as much as possible with my ad prices and coupons. and this isn't easy, comparing prices, figuring is this coupon really a better deal at this store because they double or at this store with a lower original price, and so on. that reminds me i probably need to catalog prices again, you know, just to make sure things are still about the same and i'm not missin' a deal :)
what makes me really proud is to same that i have cut my bi-weekly grocery budget 110.00 so far! that's an extra 220.00 each month, that for some reason hasn't necessarily ended up in our savings account due to doctor's visits, car repairs, flooded houses, and summer utility bills....
and there's another place i'm trying to cut: energy costs. and this seems about impossible!! but i have grown to love my inherited clothesline that came with our new home!

Cast your burden on the Lord; and He will sustain you.... Psalm 55.22
Thursday, September 9, 2010
a peek into my week...
has it been raining for like two weeks where you're at? i swear i am done with rain!! this is just one of the reasons why....

but 97.50 for a plumber to work 20 minutes and fix the problem (and oh my goodness! that is a career path i am thankful i never considered!! gross, gross, gross!!!) and 84.00 for a sump pump, we were on the road to getting everything back to normal by last friday afternoon. and we were incredibly thankful for my brother (in-law) who hauled over a HUGE pump from his work to get the water out from under the house much faster!! and the mammoth puppy and Big 'K' had the time of their lives playing in the water that was leaving the house and now flooding the yard!

don't you just love surprising your kiddos with special treats like this? my kiddos treasure the most simple memories like this and the moments of talking over a sprinkle donut.... i love 'em
and before all the sogginess, 'K' and i have enjoyed some cooler, fall-like days at the park...