how shameful that now at home full-time i can't even find the time to post my ponderings and the activities of this Blessed household... so let me give you a rundown of my random thoughts for the last week:
i have been busy organizing my home (constantly) just in case a realtor calls without warning to show the house (which happens frequently), and while i am not trying to be a whiner (honest!) it is simply exhausting to keep the laundry down to one small-ish pile and the floor gleaming! but oh how blessed to have this home that God has provided out of His vast amounts of grace, thankful that i have a home to clean, a place to rest our head...
it is a work in progress (literally..) to find a routine that is conducive to working at home... if any of you wonderful friends have ideas for me about how to be more productive & organized, i will happily take some advice here!! big 'K' and i were out all last friday meeting with clients, talking about MLM to businesses that will benefit from reaching moms here in Fly Over Country, we had a fun lunch at the pizza place together, and while we worked late into the afternoon it was incredible to have 'K' with me (and the big kiddos were at school, just in case you were wondering :) )
i went to a really fun pampered chef party last week, i bought the coolest bamboo spoons... i know i'm nerd but i so love to cook and so i'll find happiness in the small things!! i am going to have my own party soon, probably before we move since our new home will most likely not host huge groups (but maybe it will... i shouldn't put limits on what God can provide for us, huh?)
we are still waiting (working on patiently waiting) for our home to sell... lots of buyers through to see it, and very good feedback, however nothing yet. i won't lie to you, i've had moments of worry, irritation, grumbling, faith & trust; regardless i know that i know that i know God has brought us to this place in our walk with Him and He doesn't just walk off and leave me hanging! our home will sell in His time, we are praying and seeking Him through all this, i will rejoice & serve Him no matter what, and can't wait to see His provision! (if you would like to add us to your prayer list regarding our home selling, i would be so super thankful!!)
praying a lot for little Layla Grace... my heart is broken for them, asking God to work a supernatural miracle for this sweet girl. remember them today when you praying...
'P' has been doing fantabulous in school (not that he's ever done badly, just to clarify) and really enjoying his homeroom this year. he's in the school spelling bee tomorrow morning so that's exciting... he played on two basketball teams this year, one already ended and this next week is the last week for the timberwolves (tear... sniffle). these boys have been playing competitively for a long time and since they are headed to junior high next year this will be their last games together. we had a great season and have been very blessed to be apart of this group of boys & parents. however 'P' was asked to join another competitive team for the spring and summer, so that will be a great experience and excited to see him develop his skills even more... i so love being this kid's mom!!
my lil' Lou-Woo girlie is totally rockin' it in regards to school!! she is wicked smart and an incredible reader, and she is just blowing it up. straight A's (she's always had A's, but again just clarifying:) ) and even an A+!! so proud, but you can't tell at all can you?! hee hee... she played on a basketball team this winter as well, and she improved so much from last year. she was a much better shooter and she handled the ball great! while this isn't her sport of choice, not that any is, she did a wonderful job and it was good exercise if nothing else :) Girlie isn't playing the piano right now, we're on hiatus, but it will be making a reappearance soon much to her dislike. we're trying to find a hobby or interest that she'd like to pursue & develop, other that perfecting her caring for babydoll skills :) she is the love of my heart... my little mini-me :)
here's 'K' dancing with bubba's robot (which he so loves more than all the popsicles in the world!! and that's saying a lot 'cause he loves "sicles"!)... yes he is still in his jammies, which consisted of the shirt he fell asleep in the evening before & his batman underwear... cute!! this picture will reappear later on in the teenage years as a potential source of embarassment i'm sure :)

...i am fairly certain that my eyeballs are going to pop right of my head due the amount of sinus pressure i am experiencing
...wishing there were more hours in the day to get my to-do list completed winter ever going to be over?! i promise if i see one more forcast with snow or freezing rain in it, well... i might officially lose it!!
what else?.... hhhhmmmmm..... i'm racking my brain for anything else of importance i can share......
oh! 'K' decided to climb 'P's book shelves the other day.... and let's just say they might have fallen down on him. thankfully there were no injuries from the crash and i needed something new to clean up right then, so it all worked out.... except he then went downstairs and found the cinnamon & sugar shaker and proceeded to sprinkle the entire kitchen, dining room & living room with it... nice, huh?! who is supposed to be watching this kid?! geez.. but i wouldn't want to be anywhere else and i love him all the way to the rainbow & back!!
i think that's all, i do cross my heart that i'm going to complete my nutrition post this week as well as a post on how we prepared our house for sale & ways we saved money; maybe this will give you some inspiration:)
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4.16-17
Boy, I really hope you that you find someone that can offer you advice on working from home while taking care of a three-year old and still finding time to be OCD about being organized! Where oh where could you find someone that fits that description? Well, good luck with that! I need to go--got lots of work to do and entertaining of Mason today, plus I really need to get my grocery shopping done too. Hope to talk to you later!! <3