Monday, July 27, 2009
urgent... please pray for Stellan
Monday, July 20, 2009
pray for Jaymun...

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Not My Child! Monday

this incredibly fun blog carnival was created by MckMama as a way to clear the air and get a few things off our chest (besides the baby spit up!), so instead of a Not Me! Monday this week it is Not My Child! Monday, so please enjoy. and after you've laughed yourself silly head over to MckMama's blog and get your own Not My Child! Monday linked up so that we may all laugh hysterically at the things your child did not do!
it is definitely not my babe how i found in the bathroom flushing the toliet over and over and over again and happily yelling and waving "bye bye, pee!!" as if he actually put something in there!! my babe obeys his mama at all time and would never play in the nasty toliet....yuck! can i have some germ-killer, please and thanks?!
my babe has the most impecable manners and he did not pick up his plate after snack and lick it clean, nope, my babe is oh so precious and polite!
when asked to get dressed in the morning, my gorgeous, congenial daughter would not even think of having a melt down and arguing that "those shorts aren't pretty!! i don't wanna wear them!!" why would she collapse over clothing?! i am so glad i don't have a drama-queen girlie....
my oldest kiddo,'P' is so mature and above silly little things, and he did not call me one day while he was completing his chore of sweeping to brag about how he got the broom to stand up on it's brissles all by itself!! he would not waste his time with such experiments of broom-balancing!! (i wish i had the pic to show, not that he sent me one!)
oh my this was fun!! i didn't have to
coming soon to Flooded By Grace: a much needed call to all prayer warriors for a beautiful boy named Jaymun and some info on natural medicines (i've been reading the most interesting book) plus my thoughts on a new CD i got and want to share with you!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
what would your children say?! wednesday

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
it's all about the 'K' !!
i love birthdays at our house!! i am well aware that i already posted about
when our family gets together for a birthday party it is no small gathering, not here!! there is usually close to 25 or more people running around the house... and it is fun, i'm exhausted afterwards, but the memories for our POK is totally worth it. and with this many people in attendance the presents for said birthday kiddo is overwhelming. the week before (if not sooner) i go through the birthday kiddo's toys and take out everything that is not played with on a regular basis to donate or throw away broken toys that have snuck back into the bins. now Big 'K' didn't have a ton of toys, just some blocks and a few balls, so he was ready for something new to
picking at our cookie and ice cream!! 'K' is not a cake loving kiddo, so i made big, giant chocolate chip with walnut cookies instead. i'll be honest with you, i love making outrageously awesome cake-masterpieces for my kiddos birthdays, and they love to see what i come up with in regards to the theme they've chosen. so i didn't have the chance to the oober-creative with the cookies but they were oh so yummy, and 'K' liked them and that's all that matters!
more cookies and ice cream... and yes you silly, it was all natural and organic ingredients in everything... now i can't say the same for the m&ms we ate with it :)
it was a great day (the 4th of July actually), so we also had an amazing show of fireworks in the backyard courtesy of daddy and all the uncles to end the evening on. can't wait to see what year #2 brings this little man of mine....
Monday, July 13, 2009
home cookin', please n' thanks
happy cooking!
Not Me! Monday...
okay so went all day with two different colored shoes on, and maybe you forgot you put the little one in time-out and they were sitting there for 10 minutes... the idea behind Not Me! Monday was to air out our faults that we'd probably rather forget but that we are living to tell about!! and this crazy fun blog carnival was all started by MckMama so after you have gotten your fill of this Blessed Mama's life you can head over to MckMama's blog and link up your Not Me! Monday...
and this was how my last 10 days have been (i'm going back a little further just because i never got my not me! posted last week, whoops!)
i always decorate the house for my kiddos birthday the night before so they wake up to a fun, it's-all-about-my-birthday day, so i most definitely did not take forever (2am) to get everything done due to blogging and reading my fav list of blogs instead decorating, no way!!
while volunteering at I Love America i most certainly was not walking around the grounds assisting people with a light rain coming down wearing my white I.L.A. t-shirt without another tank on underneath!! that would completely wrong to be praying for people in my damp white t-shirt. and if i had done that i quickly found our tent and manuvered my extra blue tank top on under my shirt....ahem....
my Posse of Kiddos did not eat pizza 3 days in a row for lunch, because i'm always on top of everything and make it to the store every 2 weeks exactly!! i am way too health conscience to let them have pizza more than once every few weeks (does it count if the pizza was all natural?!, please say yes)
and while unloading said groceries on friday night and organizing my fridge and cupboards as i put stuff away (yes i re-organize every 2 weeks as i'm putting groceries away, and yes i know that i have issues, anyway) i did not forget that my lil' 'Lou-Who' and my niece were upstairs playing polly pockets and watching TV for like 2 hours and it was wwwwaaayyyy past their bedtime. i am totally responsible and i understand the value of a good night's rest, i'd never let them stay up 'til 12:30, nope...
sigh... okay now that i've gotten all those things that i would never do off my heart it is your turn!! type up your Not Me! Monday and go link it up with MckMama's blog!!
stay tuned for cutie pics from Big 'K's 2nd birthday and my post of menu ideas for the next 2 weeks!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
america is beautiful!
i really love the 4th of july!! it encompasses all that is summer in my mind: amazing warm weather, time relaxing with my family & friends, yummy food and breath-taking fireworks!! however, Independence day has become much more to me and my family over the last 4 years since our church has its largest community/regional outreach for the year on the 4th of july (well this year it was on july 3rd but you get where i'm going, right?! smiles), so the 4th of july means that lives will be changed...
when my shift was over it was time for my Man to head out to serve as parking security for a few hours so the kids and i had a late afternoon snack and headed out to the many (and i mean lots) inflatables and games for an afternoon of jumping, climbing, running, skipping, laughing, i could go on. it was fun, tiring but much fun.
me and my one true love!!! he says we have no pictures together, so this was my quick pic after a long day of glistening in the sun, isn't he handsome?!! love, love, love him more than words...
the main reason for this entire day of family fun was next... our fabulous choir and praise band tore it up in an outstanding praise & worship set and then our passionate team of pastors shared the gospel with the over 120,000 people in attendance!! i was also volunteering as an altar worker and had the wonderful privilege of praying with a glorious young woman as she accepted the Lord as her Savior for the first time.... what a paramount moment to be involved in and used by God! i just have to say that this time with her made the day entirely worth it. i am extremely excited to have this time with my Man and the POK and all fun memories we made but this time i spent praying with this beautiful woman was the purpose of I Love America! there were 121 people that had the courage and conviction to step out of the crowd and accept the gift of life that Jesus so freely gives ! wonderful....
this was our crazy group.. all tents are down by 7pm so that everyone can see the platform, so we're chillin' in our lawn chairs and on blankies. lil' 'Lou-Who' is just behind my Man, just in case you were wondering: 'where is that cute girlie?'
i pray independence day was fun-filled and overflowing with blessings for you.... leave a comment and let us in on your holiday!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
happy birthday big boy!!

the first people in the delivery room were of course big brother and big sister. we wanted them to have the VIP treatment, and 'Lou-Who' was so gentle and loving with baby 'K', and with me: "mommy, you're okay right? are you tired?"
'P' took immediate ownership of 'K' and he wasn't at all nervous or anxious to hold him!

while this might be a strange image to share on this momentous day, but it is very 'K': he's always on the go whether he's climbing, running, exploring into areas that he is not allowed. 'K' is all boy, and i have to parent him quite differently than i did the other two at this age. 'K' is stubborn and strong-willed and he doesn't take instruction well at all, but i have grown as a mama and learned to eat some words that i've said flippently in the past about parenting a 'strong-willed' kiddo. there are been times that he has driven me to tears "why won't you just listen to me, aargghh", but i say a quick prayer, count to 5 and go again. try, try again is for parents too, you know!
anytime it is stressful at our home or things don't go according to plan the first or second time around i think many Bible verses but i do ponder upon a line in our most favorite dr.seuss book, Oh The Places You'll Go (i have the entire book memorized, it is great!):
dear 'K',
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
food for thought