i cherish the moments of excitement and laughter bubbling out of my babes...

their gratitude is sincere and the hugs & kisses after all the paper is tossed aside are totally worth all the hours of work to earn the coins that purchased gift..

the memories we make as a family on Christmas morning will not be what they found in the box but of the giggles in trying to tear the paper, and the time playing new games together, the sibling relationships that deepen with each moment playing along side the other...

it will be how our home felt as they came down the stairs that sunny morning, the warmth of each other's embrace, the smell of the coffee and cinnamon rolls mingling together in the air, the snuggling under the blankets while listening to daddy read the Christmas story before even a present is revealed...

my mind already remembers a little boy kissing me and pulling on my hand to go downstairs to discover his stocking overflowing, the lights were turned on by another son who had made his way down before us and unpacked his stocking and his hug of thanks, me telling God thank you for these sweet babes, listening to my little men awake the princess with tales of a stocking filled for her, reminding myself that these moments will be gone someday and remembering to treasure these times... so blessed to have this family, so blessed to have a God who prepared a Man just for me, these kiddos just for me...
isn't God grace wonderful?
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