so the dishes have sat in the sink for
so my Amazing Man has had many business trips as of late, so while he was saving the world out in south carolina & las vegas for 2 weeks, i did not make peanut butter & honey sandwiches for dinner some nights and i did not keep putting off sweeping the kitchen/dining room/living room and i did not let all the kiddos sleep with me at night since i was all by my lonesome.... i am way too concerned with always having all my meals planned out with just the right portions of veggies & carbs and letting the dog & cat hair blanket the hardwoods for days on end would never happen in my perfect home... ahem, anyways....
while being of the chairpeople at my lil' Lou-Woo's school charged with planning the Fall Carnival, i was not way over my head in things to do and having to also keep track of Big 'K' was so not a big deal. so i definitely did not bribe him with suckers & popcorn & cheetos (not the all natual ones either!) while he sat in his stroller as mama pushed him up and down the halls prepping, talking, running, putting out fires for 4 hours... i do not believe in bribing my kids, they must be obedient regardless of the chaotic situation!! wow, we missed daddy while he was gone!
there is of course many more things i would love to share with you if i had actually done them, but i have many things to do this happy, albeit cold Monday.
however you should come back by later for some info on a very fun Sisters Party i'm hosting this weekend!!!
and here's just a cute pic of mama and my girlie!! be blessed!
You are starting to look so much like your mom that it is scary--not how either of you look, just the resemblance, that's all. Good thing that your mom is super cute, huh?
Ms. Paisley