Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil. Proverbs 4.25-27 (ESV)
i give a lot of thought to what shoes i buy and wear each day; i love, love, love shoes!! they don't have to be the top designer and most expensive shoes (except those are the ones that seem to catch my eye first!!) but i love a shoe that makes a statement, my shoes (typically) are a big part of my accessories as i choose my outfit for the day. i love heels! i love high, 4 inch stelleto heels!! oh, and sandles! cute, strappy heels with a pretty pedicure and a shiny toe ring!! love, love, love it!!

okay, so maybe you think i have officially jumped off the deep end of the clog at this point but i am moving towards a point...
while reading my Bible one evening, i was in Proverbs and came across the verse i began this post with, and verse 26 jumped out at me like it hadn't before: Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. hhhhmmmmmm..... the path of my feet... i take a lot of time to decide what color i adorn my toes in, and i search far and wide for glorious shoes that will accent my feeties ever so beautifully, but am i giving as much thought as to the path i walk in my hot pink heels? are you?
maybe you're not strolling around in 4 inch pink slingbacks, but it is an important and thought-provoking verse all the same, don't ya think?
i am so not perfect, probably the biggest understatment i've written thus far, however i have become ever so cautious with my steps and sensitive to the Spirit's guidance in my life. i still have many times a week that i regret an insensitive word and get upset with myself for not fully trusting in God's provision for me, and i could go on. however, i have thankfully taken to heart the Word and the lessons learned from my past faults with a hope to not repeat.

so my path... well, here's some things along my path right now that i am excited about and what i feel i'm in the process of learning:
...to open up my life and heart to those that the Lord brings onto my path. i have always struggled to truly let others in for fear of being hurt or getting left behind if they really knew me and i tend to just want to do most things on my own because i feel like i can do it better. but the Lord has really shown me how prideful it is to think i can do it on my own without others; it is a lonely road when we isolate ourselves & God uses people and what if He wants to use others to bless my walk?! and if i have shut off others from really getting to know me then i have cut off a way to know the Lord deeper. nope!!! i want my path to cross with many others so that i can share my experiences with them and theirs with me; that we can really live into Proverbs 27.17: 'Iron sharpens iron, and one man (or woman) sharpens another.'
...to fully accept the gift of love God has for me!! Jesus has done great things in my life, my whole life!! but we can miss it when we don't take that step of faith and believe with our whole hearts that Jesus died for us and loves us with an amazing and extravagent love. He loves every single part of me and that He has forgiven me and i am redeemed. i have walked with God for awhile now, a close walk, but i have missed out on a much deeper relationship because i've missed this. He loves me!! the King, the Creator loves me! i am a daughter of the Most High Lord and He will use my hurts, my scars, my joys and my pains to reveal His ultimate glory if i understand His unfailing love for me. He sooooo loves you too!! have you fully accepted that gift or have others tried to steal it from you? have you believed the lies of the devil that you aren't good enough for God's love? he's a liar!!! and the gift of mercy and grace and freedom is for all who want it.
....to serve my family. i have a tendancy to get sidetracked.. i know hard to believe, huh?! but i need to simplify and focus more. my path needs to be a little less crowded by projects and more overgrown with time spent just playing and reading and talking and pruning my little Posse of Kiddos as they are growing into small people who will be accountable for their own paths. i love all the things i do at the big kids schools, and they love how involved i am, i only do it for them anyway, but sometimes in the process of 'doing it for them' the project overtakes my life and thus takes valuable time away from the ones i started doing it for in the first place! as i move forward, i want to clear my path so God can work in a greater way according to His will at that time and i don't become so busy that i don't leave any time for God and His work.
my path can be rocky and i struggle to understand the trials that continue like a lingering disease that has finally been diagnosed but without a definitive cure, or why family relationships are strained and seemingly difficult, but i will continue to walk my path as long as my Father goes before me and clears the way. it wasn't meant to be easy, but He asked me to trust and believe that His ways are higher and His plan is greater than i can comprehend; and i will from now until i meet Him face to face one day!!!
I walk in the way of righteousness, in the paths of justice...' Proverbs 8.20