life is never dull at our home here in hot and humid 'Fly Over Country' with heat index warnings every day this week... it is only June, right? while i have several thoughts going through my overworked brain as to things that i have been thinking about, praying over and my general ponderings of life and what is still my fridge i could potentially call "dinner" that i want to share with you, i'm going to save that for a separate post and simply share some cute photos and stories of the Posse from this last week...
my lil' 'Lou-Who' is so funny! she thinks deep thoughts all the time: here's an entertaining example:
it's bedtime and i'm sitting on her bed, playing with her hair and then we held hands and started this conversation:

Mama: ok girlie, is there anything you'd like to talk about, like stuff with your friends or summer school, Jesus, me or daddy?
Lou-Who: uuuummmm? well, oh nevermind, no nothing, i don't want to talk about it.
Mama: well tell me anyway.
Lou-Who: why, i said i don't want to talk about
Mama: so, tell me anyway. if you're thinking about something that's bothering you, even if that something is me or whatever, we have to talk about, ok? so what's up
Lou-Who: (with tears welling up and spilling over the rim of her crystal blue eyes) i don't understand why i am so good at following rules and listening at school but i just have a hard time at home....
let me fill you in a little, she and Master 'P' would not stop running around and get to their respective beds and so mama had to eventually scream up the stairs, which only did the trick for about 2 minutes and then daddy had to step in and remind his Posse to listen and obey when their mama speaks. this always gets to 'Lou-Who', she hates getting reprimanded....
Mama: my lil' lovie, you're going to mess up and not listen and why it happens more at home than school is a good question and something to think about. it is a sin to be disobedient and it is disrespectful to mama so let's pray for God to forgive you, and i forgive you and when i kiss you and walk out of here i'm not going to remember and keep being mad and when you ask Jesus to forgive you and help you be a better listener and obey-er He does and will. okay?
Lou-Who: (who is still crying) okay, but you pray first!
she makes me giggle, but she is always very convicted over her sins, and even just simple mistakes. it is a wonderful character trait, i'm not conplaining, i really wish more people in the world would feel conviction over their sins. she is very much her mama, i want to be the best at everything i try my hand at and i don't want to bring the Lord pain with my sin, and 'Lou-Who' struggles with mistakes and working through them, and she wants me to lead the way in talking to God about it. i have to remember, we all should, that when i come to God dirty with sins He is faithful to forgive and not hold it against me and when i ask for help to overcome my mistakes He has much grace and blessings to pour out on me so by His power i will have victory.
our eldest, Master 'P' had an outstanding day this week at Kansas City Chiefs Youth Football camp! it is a great time to learn and practice his football fundamentals with the pros, and regardless of your thoughts about the Chiefs and their less than perfect records, ahem, they are still big, famous, professional athletes and it is way cool to attend. this year wasn't nearly as awesome as the 2008 camp when 'P' played catch with Larry Johnson!!! but it was still a great experience, see... he just intercepted a pass during the scrimage and is running it back! go baby go!

and then another amazing catch by the Master!!! his foot is still in bounds, that takes skill & practice!! i'm a very proud mama! Touchdown!

and 'Lou-Who' had a school program this week. summer school was all about studying dinosaurs and what paleoentologists do, she learned a lot!! did you know that terradactyls are not dinosaurs? anyway, her she is on the back row in the middle (with the cute little orange hair bow), singing about who named all the dinosaurs. do you know? right!! Sir Richard Owen!!
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