i have the absolutely, most awesome posse of kids ever!!! see...
isn't he incredibly cute!!! just wanna squeeze him!!
isn't he incredibly cute!!! just wanna squeeze him!!

and she is beautiful not just on the outside but her heart and spirit are even more so!!

i just wanted to spend a moment bragging on my babes!! i love 'um!! their verse from church this last week was from Psalm 139.14 : I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. and i loved practicing that with them and simply reminding them that God had a plan for creating each one of them; awesome huh?!!!!
on a side note, many have asked "your families pics are awesome, what wonderful photographer took them?!!" (ok i added the wonderful but she is, promise!!) and the answer is Abbey Laine Photography. if you leave me a sweet comment, i can email you back the number to get in touch with her!!!
Hey, I love the blog and now that I know you have one I will try to keep up with it. You have amaz-za-zing kids (that for u mom). I love your outlook on God's interaction with the kids. I can'y wait to see the things He starts to do in them! I hope one day I have some kids like yours.